Lluch Essence:
Reshaping the brand
of a leader in the oil and
aroma chemical market

What we did

Brand strategy

Tone of voice


Visual identity


Website design

Social media strategy

Film & motion

Lluch Essence is one of the leading players in the essential oils and aroma chemicals market in Southern Europe, with global presence and over 70 years of expertise in the area.

The internationalisation of the company, the professionalisation of processes and the formation of a highly competitive team has led the company to reach unprecedented levels, however, its image did not match the company’s strong character.

We were approached by Lluch Essence to work on their new brand strategy and identity to create a brand that reflects its dynamic entrepreneurial culture and its history, always innovating and staying top of the game.

The definition of the new Lluch Essence brand called for a new strategic approach. In the new Lluch we wanted to go a step further, moving from simply focusing on good service to inviting customers to grow together, not only improving our business but also pushing the boundaries of the industry. “Thriving together” became the claim that epitomised this new approach.

Laus 2022. Branding and corporate Identity.

Website: Elio Salichs
Photography: Mireia Rodríguez

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