Muy Mucho:
Brand repositioning through
a new lifestyle narrative
What we did
Brand positioning
Brand strategy
Tone of voice
Visual identity
Redefinition of the strategy, identity and communication for Muy Mucho, a home decor chain with more than 185 stores worldwide.
Muy Mucho sells nicely curated home decoration and houseware products at a fair price, but it was perceived as a cheap bazaar. Our work aimed to shift this image, turning Muy Mucho into a space where quality, good taste and price meet.
The brand strategy aimed to empower the consumer, letting people know that you don’t need to spend a fortune to live in a place you love and feel proud of. Muy Mucho suddenly became a place to discover affordable treasures. “Nice things at a good price” was the mantra that guided the project and informed our decisions.
Since there are more than 1,500 products on display in the stores, packaging was a key feature to communicate the values of the new brand. Muy Mucho’s new packaging focused on the quality and coolness of the product, while the in-store communication made it clear that these were inexpensive items.
Laus 2017. Identidad Gran Empresa
Wina 2017. Branding
Laus 2019. Packaging gran público
European Awards 2019. Packaging
Best ‘N Beauty 2023.. Packaging

A logo doesn’t need to carry the weight of all the communication; it’s just a small part of a larger, coordinated effort. But for brands like Muy Mucho, where the logo is displayed on thousands of products and labels, it has to be an effective bearer of the brand’s values.