Pulitzer Hotels:
Creating new stories
for unconventionally
chic and cosy hotels

What we did

Brand strategy

Tone of voice


Visual identity

Website design


All Pulitzer hotels are infused with a love for travel, a passion for people, and an obsession for detail. They are inspiring destinations where unique stories take place. Our mission was to modernise this well-recognised and established brand in the hospitality industry.

The first step was to establish a strategic framework to guide the development of the new brand concept, seamlessly aligning with the company’s pillars and purpose. This framework served as the foundation for crafting a fresh brand expression.

Since each person’s journey can have a different impact, the new identity reflects the balance and harmony between each hotel: each one is unique, yet all are part of the Pulitzer brand. The result is authentic, inclusive, and intentionally eclectic. Each hotel connects with the brand in its own unique way.

Website Development: Emexs

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